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Welcome to My Self Love Journey

I've been struggling with image since I can remember. Beauty. Weight. Grace. Image. All things I strive for. But lately it's come to my realization, through some helpful and inspirational people that all those things focus on appearance. And maybe we should be more. We should be the sum of the love we give and the good we do. And in doing so we learn to love ourselves. And in loving ourselves we learn to put in the effort to be what we want...whether that's the size we want or the appearance we want. Through self love we learn who we are and what we can accomplish.

I am: a doctor, a surgeon, a girlfriend, a dog mom, a daughter, a sister. I am me. And I am also so much more then all of those things. My journey to who I want to be is just starting...and also so much older then I've paid attention to. Love the process. Love your self.

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